



Whistleblowing: The internal system for reporting violations


The term whistleblower generally refers to a person who, upon becoming aware of potentially illicit acts or facts in their work context, decides to report them using reserved and independent internal channels, specifically provided by the company.

The Unipol Group has adopted an internal system for reporting violations aimed at safeguarding the confidentiality of the whistleblower's identity and protecting them from retaliatory conduct following the report, in line with the legislation on whistleblowing at both European and national levels (most recently Legislative Decree 15 March 2023 n. 24, which transposes Directive (EU) 2019/1937 into Italian law).

The reporting system is formalized in a Procedure accessible from this page.

According to the Procedure, the Company has established its own dedicated channels, managed by autonomous and independent structures, through which it is possible to report behaviors, acts or omissions – including well-founded suspicions – that the whistleblower has become aware of in their work context and believes may constitute a violation of the rules governing the Company's activities. If preferred, the whistleblower can use the similar channels established at the Parent Company.

The structures responsible for receiving and managing the reports, the means through which they can be transmitted – in written, oral, or through direct meeting – the subjects who can report, as well as the process for managing received reports are defined in the Procedure, to which reference should be made for every detail.

In particular, all whistleblowers are expected to use a special IT Platform – available at the link indicated on this page – suitable for ensuring, in digital form, the confidentiality of the whistleblower's identity.

Under certain conditions set out in the legislation, it is possible to make external reports directly to the National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC). Information on the channel, procedures, and prerequisites for making external reports is outlined in the Procedure.