Toll free
800 274 722
We are here
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All rebels may need help!
Consult the FAQs and if you have not found the answer you are looking for, contact us for support.
Roadside assistance
We help you without upfront money... and without worries!
Number from abroad
+39 011 65 23 372
24/H24, 365 days a year
RebelBot Support
Information on the shipping status of RebelBot, help with installation, uninstallation or reporting of anomalies
Toll free
800 767 878
From Monday to Friday
9:00 - 13:00 and 14:30 - 18:30
9:00 - 12:00
Find the car body shops of BeRebel network
BeRebel relies on the professionalism of around 3,000 body shops in the UnipolService circuit.

View the map of UnipolService repair centres in your province and contact us to arrange the most suitable and convenient time slot to bring the car.

The UnipolGlass network is spread throughout Italy and offers speed of intervention and home delivery service at no additional cost.
Do you want to make a report or complaint?
If you are already a Customer and want to send a report use the BeRebel app to contact us on whatsapp or email and we will reply within a day, if you want to make a complaint you can contact us via Linear and you will have a response within 45 days as per regulations.